Vitamin E-400 IU Softgel Capsules

Vitamin E-400 IU softgel capsule is an antioxidant, a susbstance that prvents or slows damage of cells. It plays role in regulating the immune system and metabolic processes. Also, Vitamin E helps maintain healthy skin and eyes.

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient for ovaries and also act as anti-aging antioxidant that support egg quality for women who are trying to conceive later in life.

Signs & Symptoms of Vitamin E deficiency:

  • General and unexplainable feeling of unwellness.
  • Muscular pain or weakness
  • Difficulty in coordination and loss of body movement control.
  • Visual challenges and deterioration.
  • Immunity problems.
  • Numbness and Tingling.

Vitamin E also prevent heart disease, improve congenitive function, and even protect against some cancers.

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Vitamin E-400 IU, 30 Softgelatin Capsules per plastic tin.

Product of Vitane Pharma – Germany


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